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Moldavite Properties

Specific Use Description Best Ways/Use
Connection wtih the




Stimulates and opens one's connection with the universe,

including the enhancement of clairvoyance and intuition.

Opens spiritual dimensions, glimpses of the unlimited spiritual potential of the human race.

On the body (Jewlelry on pouch)



Gem Essence


Meaning of Life - Dreams, Memories


Enhances dreams and/or memories about the purpose and meaning of life.


Heart Chakra

Compassion, Sympathy

Opens the heart (Heart Chakra) and promotes compassion and sympathy.


Detach from material world, money problems and limiting beliefs.


Helps one detach from the material world, especially from limiting beliefs and situations. Also helps one detach from money problems and other worries.


Opens us to original Ideas and solutions Opens us to unconventional idesas and solutions to problems.


Luck Brings luck and fulfillment of wishes.


Awareness to cause of physical illness and True reason why. Brings awareness of the cause of physical illness and open to the highest good resulting from the experience of the illness.  

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