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Grounding Green Flower Essence Spray 1 oz

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Product Overview

  • Builds strength, resilience and vitality in the body, through alignment with Earth’s life forces
  • Provides grounding and stabilizing forces that protect from psychic ­dysfunction and immune distress in high intensity urban and technological environments
  • Facilitates harmonious and vitalizing connection with Earth substances and forces when used for healing, gardening, artistic or professional  pursuits
  • Guides consciousness from “ego” to “eco” – so that ecological values move beyond abstract rules or political formulas, toward a vibrant awareness of the Earth as a living being
  • Motivates when feelings of discouragement, despair, or apathy threaten one’s ­positive outlook and active commitment to work for the healing and transformation of the Earth
  • Increases appreciation of the Earth during travel, recreation or work by sensitizing awareness and perception for micro and macro manifestations of life
  • Cultivates connection for children who do not feel bonded with Nature due to excessive urbanization and technological influences
  • Fosters animal communication and connection – especially animals that may be suffering from urban stress – can be used by  both caretaker and animal


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